Ecological Consultancy - Assessments and Approvals
TerraLab’s specialist ecological consultants can handle your environmental project.
Field surveys such as weed assessments, flora and fauna assessments, threatened species assessments, Vegetation Quality Assessments (Habitat Hectares), vegetation mapping, botanical surveys, etc.
Policy and legislation approvals such as native vegetation guidelines, pest plant and animal obligations, EPBC Act Referrals, offsets, etc.
Reporting and advice such as applications to remove native vegetation (detailed assessments), management plans, species recovery plans, rehabilitation and revegetation plans, etc.
TerraLab also has a comprehensive list of suppliers who we have partnered with in the past to extend our services to include:
Archaeological/ Cultural Heritage surveys.
Aquatic ecology.
Civil and environmental engineering.
Contaminated land assessment.
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Project Examples
Threatened flora monitoring
Develop a novel methodology and monitor three EPBC listed flora species over a three year period.
Utilising TerraLab’s years of experience, our specialist ecological consultants undertook a rigourous desktop assessment to compile and evaluate all known records of the threatened species of interest. An assessment methodology was developed, documented, tested and rolled out. Ecologists utilised state-of-the-art technology in monitoring such as live mobile mapping, high-accuracy GPS mapping, and an efficient digital workflow. All of this in a challenging and remote environment.
A robust, novel and objective monitoring method was developed and deployed to monitor the threatened species tracking changes to the population over time.
EPBC approval and referrals
Conduct assessments and submit a referral under the EPBC Act
Utilizing TerraLab’s specialist ecologists, desktop and site assessments were carried out at a roadway development site. The likelihood of impacts to threatened species was assessed with one species being unavoidably impacted by the proposal.
In conjunction with a larger project team, TerraLab completed botanical and ecological surveys, undertook mapping at the study site, prepared maps, and authored the documentation to the satisfactory of State and Federal requirements.
A final submission was made and approved under the EPBC Act allowing the project to go ahead with a net improvement to the abundance of the threatened species.
Our Ecological Consultancy Service:
Vegetation assessment
Flora and fauna assessments
Threatened species monitoring and surveys
Vegetation Quality Assessments (Habitat Hectares)
Vegetation mapping
Botanical surveys
Impact Assessment
Pest plant surveys and monitoring
Environmental policy and legislation
Policy and legislation approvals such as Victorian native vegetation Guidelines
Vegetation offsets
Pest plant and animal obligations
Experience with the following policies
Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) referrals and approvals
Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988 (FFG Act)
Planning and Environment Act 1987
Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994
Environmental Effects Act 1978
State Wildlife Act 1979
Water Act 1989
Environmental management
Reporting and advice such as applications to remove native vegetation (detailed assessments)
Land management plans
Species recovery plans
Rehabilitation plans and advice
Landscape Function Analysis (LFA)
Revegetation plans
Partnered assessment services
Archaeological/ Cultural Heritage management
Aquatic ecology
Civil and environmental engineering
Contaminated land assessment